3 Health Trends for the Trend-Averse

 Favorite spa... the back garden.My sisters could vouch that I am many things, but trendy isn't really one of them. In the third grade, I found what I thought was the perfect shirt - blue, with a wide red stripe in the middle - and wore it for the entire year.  In high school, during the grunge-rich 90s, I honestly listened to Bulgarian folk music and questionable 70s bands that included Steve Winwood (yes... I did). I would generally rather talk physics than fashion, will happily read tomes on soil science, and can laugh at the same dumb joke, regardless of how many times you tell it. I am, as many can attest, a nerd.So when it comes to trends, I'm more of a bringing-up-the-rear sort than an early adopter. Still, lately I've come across a few newish notions that - despite by natural skepticism - actually seem compelling. Friends, I give you Three Health Trends for the Trend-Averse:

  • Low-FODMAPS Diet - An acronym for (get ready!) Fermentable Oligo-, Di-, Mono-saccharides and Polyols, FODMAPS describe a group of short chain carbohydrates that even healthy people have difficulty digesting. For those with Irritable Bowel Syndrome or Disease, symptoms of these unabsorbed sugars can run from uncomfortable to debilitating. The good news: Many of my clients say they feel dramatically better when they reduce FODMAP intake. The bad news: It requires commitment! And limiting fructose is...limiting. A recommended food list is here  (and this is what to avoid).
  • Yamuna Body Rolling - Developed by Yamuna Zake, the technique uses rubber balls to stretch the fascia, helping free joints and loosen muscle tightness. It's a lovely self-care tool for bringing mobility into the tissue, and there are some great classes in and around Portland to get you started.
  • Bulletproof Coffee - I'm not sure if I'd consider this a health trend, but... when clients ask about coffee, I confess this is my preferred style. The concoction involves blending butter, coconut oil and coffee (and maple syrup, if you like), and while there is some debate about the actual health benefits... it's low-FODMAP and tasty!

Feel free to try any of these this summer - or not! Above all, I'd encourage you to listen to your body, the one true expert on what is best for you.Accessorizing 2014: Lupines.  


Vacationland...for Non-Vacationers


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